Monday, November 28, 2011

'Tis The Season!

Wow, look at the cobwebs around this place. Must not have been open for a year or so, judging by the way the doors creak. Time to change that.

Yes, friends, the BBQMC is back in business, for better or worse. Serving up platefuls of puns, oodles of observations, attitude appetizers and a soupcon of snark. Welcome back, one and all.

We are once again at the start of another Christmas season, with Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday already past. We're rolling into the heart of the holidays, including holiday TV specials, Christmas music everywhere and shoppers shopping their hearts out throughout the land. So in the spirit of the holiday, the Cafe is introducing new seasonal appetizers.

First up is our traditional holiday favorite, the McFruitcake sandwich. Don't ask what's in it. You really don't want to know. Just enjoy, with our special sauce. Remember, it's only here for a limited time -- and that's probably a good thing.

In the grand holiday tradition of Iron Chefs everywhere, we're introducing an extra-special holiday favorite, eggnog-battered eel. If you want a real treat for the kids, order the electric version, which powers its own festive LED Christmas lights.

But our pride and joy this season is our extraordinary new dish inspired by the holiday classic "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" -- the Reindeer Roadkill Remoulade. It's sure to be a taste like none you've ever experienced before.

Of course our regular menu is still available too, including all your favorites such as Manatee Meatloaf (Mom's secret recipe!), Flipper Fin Fondue and Octopus Over Easy. Just let your waitron know what you'd like... and please tip generously.

While you study the menu, let's get the jukebox playing, the espresso brewing and the vacuum collection polished up. Welcome back to the Manatee....

Chef Rick!

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